Tuesday Feb. 10, 2009
Today is another beautiful day for just being the tenth day of February it is absolutely beautiful and in the 50s. I decided to grab a bridle and get a quick ride to the end of the road and back while I could. So I took Missy out for that quick ride. I didn't even saddle her since we just would be out for a quick ride. I jumped on her bareback and headed out. Luckily I still have her borium shoes on from our trip to Washington DC because though it is sunny and warm there is still a lot of ice in our drive-way to get to the good ole dirt road that I live on. Once out on the dirt road it was easy riding.
I haven't ridden bareback for more then just a few minutes, in twenty years. It felt good to get out on my trusty mare Missy and enjoy the sun on my face and the wind through my hair. I even let Missy trot a little. I was happy to just be able to stay on her as she trotted along. She actually has a nice trot on her. We did a trot and walk, and a trot and walk thing for a little while. Our road is only a little over a half mile long one way.
At the end of the road in the field stood two deer. Everyone just stood and looked at each other wondering who was going to move first. Missy snorted a little but didn't spook. Though she is 18 years old, she still likes to act like a 2 year old at times. After just a few minutes the deer decided that they would move and trotted off into the woods and down the hill.
The weather is suppose to be cooler this coming weekend and we have a parade to ride in with our friends Janet and Trina. Even though it is suppose to be cooler, it still won't be as cold as the parade experience in DC:-)
Well back to school work I must go. So until the next time I post, have a good day everyone.
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